This is how I intend to organize the New Republic Navy. It may seem complicated but it's not really... Recon Line: Deployed as reconnaissance forces for an assault force. Usually works to locate hostile bases and fleets to report back.
- 1x Carrier, 3x Corvettes/Gunships
Skirmish Line: Engages smaller warships such as frigates and cruisers
- 2x Frigates, 3x Gunships
Troop Line: Escorts ground troops to planetary surfaces.
- 16x Troop Transports, 4x Frigates, 6x Gunships
Siege Line: Deployed as a means to contain enemy forces in any given location.
- 2x Interdictors, 2x Heavy Cruisers, 2x Frigates, 4x Gunships
Pursuit Line: On the battlefield, used to engage retreating ships and follow them to their base.
- 1x Heavy Cruiser, 4x Light Cruisers, 5x Frigates
Attack Line: Mission profile is to engage other capital ships of similar size or to draw fire away from star destroyers
- 1x Star Destroyer, 3x Heavy Cruisers, 3x Cruisers, 4x Frigates, 4x Gunships
Heavy Attack Line: Can operate independently from central control and meant to engage enemy forces of similar composition
- 3x Star Destroyers, 3x Heavy Cruisers, 3x Cruisers, 6x Frigates, 2x Carriers, 3x Gunships
Assault Line: Deployed to invade enemy systems and eliminate key defense points.
- 1x Battlecruiser, 3x Star Destroyers, 5x Heavy Cruisers, 4x Cruisers, 6x Frigates, 3x Carriers, 10x Gunships
Roving Battle Line: Deployed as a mobile task force for patrols and rapid response.
- 10x Star Destroyers, 15x Heavy Cruisers, 15x Frigates, 30x Gunships
Defense Line: Used to protect Republic Planets
- 1x Heavy Cruiser, 2x Cruisers, 2x Carriers, 4x Frigates
Heavy Defense Line: Used to protect vital Republic Planets
- 2x Star Destroyers, 4x Heavy Cruisers, 5x Frigates, 6x Gunships