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Open Season: The End
Divebomber311Date: Monday, 01-Mar-2010, 4:39 PM | Message # 1
Big Three Member
Group: Users
Messages: 258
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Conflicts has always had what is called "Open Season" for those who are new to Conflicts, open season is Site Admins way of telling their members, that a faction is not meeting minimum requirements of activity and the Sites Admin wants the faction gone. Gone as in Destroyed. In the past it was simple. Admin declaired open season and the other factions fall on them and destroy them, if they don't admins super battle station does the work.

This site will have a different process. There will be four stages of an open season, and in the end, if the factions Leaders have not upped their activity, the faction will be gone.

First Step: Conquest.
This is the beginning of an open season. It will be declaired by management, and the other factions on the site will be able to attack and freely conquer any planet under Industrial Status.

Second Step: War.
In the second stage of an Open Season the remaining planets, Industrial and Metropolis planets, will be in an open state of Revolt. The factions Dissent status will go to zero. In this state the planets population will begin to kill the military forces on the planet at a rapid rate. Also during this time Factions can apply to RP out the revolt (IE Imperial dissent teams on a planet and that is what brings the revolution along). If successful that faction can obtain the planet at reduced status (If planet was Industrial they get it as Basic) Approval for the attempt and approval for taking the planet is done by site admin. Capital is the only Planet this can not happen on.

Third Step: Famine
In the third stage the capital planet suffers from lack of rescources. People, facilities, and Vessels, begin to fail. Ships explode, stations fall apart, and the military falls apart. This rapidly decreases the planets status. Going from Metropolis to Industrial in a matter of days, and ready for the final stage...

Fourth Step: Death
The final step of the open season is death. A super ship commanded by the sites admin goes to the planet and whipes it clean. The attack destroys everything left on the planet and in orbit. At the end of the attack the planet is left uninhabited, and must be recolonized.

Stats on the ship

Name: Sameal Class Doom Ship
Dimensions: 150 KMs Long, 60 Km at its widest (Stern)
Crew: 12,000,000
Troops (Regiments): 70 Regiments
Hull: 4,400,000
Shields: 10,000,000
Speed: 15
hanger: 400 squads of fighters, 6 Corvettes.
Equipment: X.5 Hyperdrive, 1000 Tractor Beam projectors, *6 HECs, *Insulated Armor
Armament: *2 Super SICs, 5500 Heavy Quad Turbolaser batteries, 5500 Quad Turbolaser batteries, 3000 Quad Laser batteries, 3000 Quad Projectile Launchers, 5500 Heavy Quad Ion Batteries, *650 Heavy bombardment Torpedo Batteries
Desription: The Supership commanded by site admin to finish an open season. Based on the stats for the Old SDS Bassilisk Command Ship, It is monsterously powerful. Shaped like a large wedge its bow being only a few meters wide, while its stern is 60 kms wide. The width of the stern allows for powerful engines to push this massive ship at an impressive 15 mglt. It also allows for huge, advanced powerplants. These powerplants are needed to power the incredible power needs for this ship. When in full use the Shields of this ship can project a static charge that disrupts the systems of any small vessel near the ship. The fighters for this ship are insulated against this charge allowing them to be unaffected. The * Indicates an old SDS tech or a special tech just for this ship.
Build time: N/A

Tech notes to come

I am Divebomber311
One of the Original Big Three Managers
Head of the Once Feared Shadow Dragon Syndicate
Conflict will rage again
You Will fear my fleets again!
Divebomber311Date: Friday, 05-Mar-2010, 10:02 AM | Message # 2
Big Three Member
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Messages: 258
Reputation: 2
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This will be compleated by the Next tuesday

I am Divebomber311
One of the Original Big Three Managers
Head of the Once Feared Shadow Dragon Syndicate
Conflict will rage again
You Will fear my fleets again!
Divebomber311Date: Thursday, 08-Apr-2010, 6:56 PM | Message # 3
Big Three Member
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I have a 3 day week end starting tomarrow. I will finish this then.

I am Divebomber311
One of the Original Big Three Managers
Head of the Once Feared Shadow Dragon Syndicate
Conflict will rage again
You Will fear my fleets again!
Divebomber311Date: Thursday, 08-Apr-2010, 10:16 PM | Message # 4
Big Three Member
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Messages: 258
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Super Solar Ionisation Cannon (SIC)" A lost weapon from a bygone era. This is an extreamely powerful weapon capable of penetrating any shield (including Planetary shields) and dealing damage directly to the hull of a ship or the surface of the planet. Its name comes from the golden color of the beam, as well as its effect. The SIC melts hull plating and bores into the interrior of the ship. In some cases the SIC can melt all the way through a vessel. One shot is generally enough to destroy any ship.

High Energy Capacitors:

Insulated Armor:

Heavy Bombardment Torpedos

I am Divebomber311
One of the Original Big Three Managers
Head of the Once Feared Shadow Dragon Syndicate
Conflict will rage again
You Will fear my fleets again!
Divebomber311Date: Sunday, 05-Dec-2010, 10:11 PM | Message # 5
Big Three Member
Group: Users
Messages: 258
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Never did finish this I think it is time to:

Super Solar Ionisation Cannon (SIC)" A lost weapon from a bygone era. This is an extreamely powerful weapon capable of penetrating any shield (including Planetary shields) and dealing damage directly to the hull of a ship or the surface of the planet. Its name comes from the golden color of the beam, as well as its effect. The SIC melts hull plating and bores into the interrior of the ship. In some cases the SIC can melt all the way through a vessel. One shot is generally enough to destroy any ship.

High Energy Capacitors:
For all intents and pourposes these are batteries that are hooked into the ships systems. They are connected into the ships main power grid and can be used to give a significant (50%) power boost to any of these systems: Engines, Weapon power, or Shield power. Since they are connected to the ships power grid they can use it to recharge themselves. While it is generally not needed, they can fully recharge and discharge again in a few minutes (2 rounds of battle).
Insulated Armor:
A special dual layer armor with a foam filling. The inner layer is very heavy and is the armor that is up against the ships hull. The second layer is pure armor and is about 6 inches from the main armor. Between the layers are support beams and a special foam. This foam is shock, and electrical insulating. What this does is lessen the impact damage from torpedos and makes ion cannons far less effective. It does however add to the repair time and build times on vessels.
Heavy Bombardment Torpedos: Massive torpedos launched from massive launchers. The torpedos themselves are an amazing 55 inches in diameter, and weigh nearly a metric ton. The shear mass of the torpedo is enough to give it the kinetic energy needed to blow through any shielding. The explosive charge is enough to whipe out life on an entire continent. These can be used to target a vessel with devistating results. When turned on a planet these torpedos can remove a planets population in just a few volleys.

I am Divebomber311
One of the Original Big Three Managers
Head of the Once Feared Shadow Dragon Syndicate
Conflict will rage again
You Will fear my fleets again!
Divebomber311Date: Sunday, 05-Dec-2010, 10:13 PM | Message # 6
Big Three Member
Group: Users
Messages: 258
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
please note that i have made a few changes to the Samael. I'll be doing stats for the Corvettes and the fighters soon. I will also provide some more info on the ship itself.

I am Divebomber311
One of the Original Big Three Managers
Head of the Once Feared Shadow Dragon Syndicate
Conflict will rage again
You Will fear my fleets again!
Divebomber311Date: Monday, 06-Dec-2010, 11:08 PM | Message # 7
Big Three Member
Group: Users
Messages: 258
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Stats for the Gunship:

Name: Harpe Class Gunship
Length: 200 meters
Crew: 60
Troops: 25 men
Hull: 900
Shields: 2500
Hanger: none
Equipment: 6 HECs, insulated armor
Armament: 12 Dual heavy turbolaser cannons, 20 quad laser cannons, 8 tri projectile launchers
Description: Gunship of unique design. Does not have a hyperdrive since it travels inside the main hanger of the Samael. The space is instead used for upgraded power plants. This ship carries far more weaponry then any other ship its size. Based on the SDS Slash gunship.
Build time: N/A

Samael fighter:

Name: Hate Class Fighter
Length: 12 meters
Crew: 1
Hull: 50
Shields: 250
speed: 200 MGLT
Armament: 2 Turbolasers, 2 ion cannons, 2 Toropedo launchers, 4 Heavy bomb pods (3 bombs each)
Description: Fighter of the Samael. Made to do massive damage to any adversary they face.
squad Size: 18 fighters

I am Divebomber311
One of the Original Big Three Managers
Head of the Once Feared Shadow Dragon Syndicate
Conflict will rage again
You Will fear my fleets again!
Divebomber311Date: Wednesday, 08-Dec-2010, 0:36 AM | Message # 8
Big Three Member
Group: Users
Messages: 258
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
One note: The Samael is a fixed part of this site. What that means is it is in game at ALL times. It is hidden....In one of the SDS's most secret and defended outposts.....

I am Divebomber311
One of the Original Big Three Managers
Head of the Once Feared Shadow Dragon Syndicate
Conflict will rage again
You Will fear my fleets again!
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