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Plague Outbreak
LordZarcaineDate: Saturday, 12-Feb-2011, 11:19 PM | Message # 16
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Kulan laughed as he stood up his eyes focusing on the person before him. The lightside was a disgusting thing. His eyes focused to the person once more after he had looked around. He could feel the light side pushing in on him before he smirked under his breathing mask. He focused for a moment before he pushed back. His field began to reestablish itself, pushing out before creating a new dark radius around him. His hand reached under his cloak before he pulled out the lightsaber, the ornate rapier style hilt showing as the ruby silver blade let out a loud crack from being activated. He stood ready as he could feel two more Jedi heading towards him before his hand came up and snapped his fingers. The holonet transmissions began to crack before the screens burst and broke, shattering as sparks flew out. He could feel the hope beginning to die down once more after the holonet screens were destroyed.

"Funny thing about hope, it can work for and against the Jedi. Have you ever thought that the Dark Side, Dark Jedi like me are a needed evil. We ensure that hope is always alive. We cause pain and destruction, only to have the people hope for peace." He let out a deep laugh before bringing his arm up before taking a defensive stance. His eyes focused to the women before looking past her to the doors as he smirked. "And the ants come running."

John04Date: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 12:50 PM | Message # 17
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Diathim didn't smile. This man was clearly deranged, and evil to the core. And he failed to understand the power of hope. Hope was what gave life to the galaxy. While it was true that pain and destruction allow for hope to exist, it doesn't need them to survive. Far from it. Hope was something that had a life of its own, which was why no force in the universe, no matter how dark, could snuff it out. So his destruction of the holonet screens had ultimately been pointless. Hope had set in, and everyone that had seen the broadcasts were telling everyone who hadn't. Hope was spreading, and there was nothing this Dark Jedi could do to stop it. They were still at roughly equal strength.

She slowly stepped forward and activated her own lightsaber, the white blade making the distinctive snap-hiss of the lightsaber. Diathim looked at him and said, "The same can be said about darkness. Not enough darkness, and you become too weak to do anything substantial. Too much darkness...and it'll destroy you. I say that you are getting closer and closer to the threshold that will obliterate you." She then assumed a defensive Soresu position.

Jaralea nodded in acknowledgement to the old Givin and proceeded to speed off again. She need to get to her master before she started fighting. If this Dark Jedi was as powerful as they thought, they would need to work together. Soon enough she made it to the spaceport and leaped out of the decelerating speeder, racing towards the two masters of the Force. As she approached, she pulled out one of her lightsabers and activated it, letting its blade give air around them a faint blue tint. Once she reached her master's side, she assumed a position of Ataru. She remained silent, for this was a battle and not a lecture. It was time to fight...

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Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power...
Smooth-eyeDate: Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 7:54 PM | Message # 18
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Qui'll watched the young padawan scream off towards one of the landing platforms. The elder Givin continued to walk towards the source of the darkside radiance. It was getting stronger. It had been many years since he had felt such hatred from one being. This sort of hatred was the type found in madmen, the Sith always had a control over their hatred. Sith were cruel, menacing, yet calculatable when they grew with power. This was no Sith Lord. This was maddness, uncalculating. Dangerous.

[tag all]

"No, no officer...Trust me, why would I smuggle something illegal into your fine juristiction. Can't we come to some agreement?"

Message edited by Smooth-eye - Monday, 14-Feb-2011, 7:55 PM
LordZarcaineDate: Tuesday, 15-Feb-2011, 1:08 AM | Message # 19
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Kulan began to laugh, all this talk of hope and the Jedi didnt even know that it could also lead to the Dark Side. His eyes focused on the Jedi before him, his lightsaber waiting as he spoke. "Hope is what lead me to the Dark Side. I had a promising life once. I was a great student in the academy, a sharp witted captain who passed those I worked with. I had everything, until I was pulled from the wreak of my ship. It was purposely destroyed so those that held a debt over my family could collect on it. I had hope that I would get out of that medical facility. Hope that the Jedi would come, or even the navy or soldiers would find it and shut the lab down. Did that happen though, no. I lost hope in what I knew was there and soon enough I held hope in something else. I found hope in the darkness, hope that I would kill all those that did this to me."

His eyes began to darken as he stepped forward, his form seemed to disappear for a moment before he was in front of the Jedi. His fist striking for her stomach to send her flying back. His speed having been increased through the force. "You talk of hope being a powerful tool, and yet you blind yourself to the fact that hope can lead to the Dark Side as well. Dont you see, the Jedi Order, The Sith, the Dark Jedi. Hope and Hatred. One must live for the other to survive. The Jedi order is nothing with out the Dark Jedi or Sith to fight, just as Hope means nothing if there is no Hatred to use hope against. I found my Hope buried deep with in the Hatred for those that created me, for those that twisted me into this weapon."

Kulan remained stead fast, his power growing as he seemed to take in the hope that continued to grow on the planet. Slowly binding it to his own hatred and anger, letting it grow and fester with in. The galaxy was full of hope and hatred, they needed each other to survive, just as the Jedi needed the Sith and Dark Jedi to survive as well.

John04Date: Tuesday, 15-Feb-2011, 9:00 PM | Message # 20
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Diathim flew backwards from his punch. As she returned to the ground, she extended her wings and softly returned to the ground. That really, really, really hurt. Her stomach felt battered and bruised, and only from one punch. He wasn't going down without a fight. She slowly picked herself up and began to pour sorrow and sympathy into the Force, directing it towards Kulan.

"I feel so sorry for you. It's pathetic really. You blame everyone and everything but yourself. For someone with such power, you fail to understand the most simple thing all Jedi are taught. People don't get lured to the dark side, people allow themselves to fall. The only one who can be blamed for your fall in yourself. Let go of your hate, it will only destroy you. Hatred is a self-consuming fire, burning through your body and mind until ashes are all that remain." As she poured her sorrow and compassion into the Force, she augmented it with Force Light, wrapping the broken man in the light side of the Force. As she did this, she motioned for Jaralea to do the same.

Jarelea caught Diathim's instruction and began to use her new power of Force Light. Like her master, she also poured compassion and sympathy into the Force. She did feel sorry for the man. Such pain, such agony, it was so sad to see such hate in one man. She found her power growing as she poured her emotions into the force and it combined with Diathim's, it seemed to start negating the darkness in the immediate area.

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Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power...
Smooth-eyeDate: Thursday, 17-Feb-2011, 9:05 PM | Message # 21
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The elder Givin made his way to on of the side walls of the starport. He could feel that the cinfrontation was immediately behind this wall, while the entrance was another 200 meters away. The former Jedi Master Consular cleared his mind, and concentrated. He reached out to the Force, took command of his mind, the wall, and all space in between. This was an all but forgotten power, that only a handful of Jedi were ever privlaged to of been taught, and even fewer mastered. He raised his walking stick ahead of him as stepped towards the wall, and did not stop, but continued through the wall until he was standing halfway between the two Jedi, and the Dark Jedi. Once phasing through the wall, he immediatley brought his defenses up, embedding his walking stick with the power of the Force as he seemed to lean on it for support, and spoke, "Dark One, today does not have to be a day of death, but could be a day of rejoycing, and letting the shackles of the Darkside finally fall from their dark confinment over you. Let go of your hate, your taste for vengance. Though it brings commanding power, the malace it inflicts leave the chaktra empty, a thirst that can not be quenched."

"No, no officer...Trust me, why would I smuggle something illegal into your fine juristiction. Can't we come to some agreement?"
LordZarcaineDate: Saturday, 19-Feb-2011, 3:22 AM | Message # 22
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The room began to shake as they filled it with light. Yet it wasnt from them, no it was from Kulan. His voice speaking up as the force began to pull at the room around them. "I have lived my years in the darkness. I have controlled it and prevented myself from falling into its depths. I have lived with out a single soul pitting me." The room continued to shake deeply. The walls, screens and windows of the spaceport beginning to buckle and break. Kulan slowly looked up, the pure hatred and anger showing in his eyes. "I will be damned if I let a pathetic Jedi pity me." Their plan backfired, the more pity, sorrow and compassion they poured into the light only filled his heart with anger and hatred. His eyes turning into a deep red as he brought his hand up.

His fist slowly closing as the room around them burst inwards. The walls, windows and screens shattering, debris flying towards them as they crashed into each other. Kulan was filled with anger and hate now as he looked to the Jedi's padwan. "I will show you want compassion brings you, what pity gives you." In a moment his movements seemed to double, his speed increased as he headed straight for Jarelea. "See the true powers of emotions." He let out a deep roar, the room darkening as a loud crack filled the air. Lightning striking out from a storm around him as he brought his hand up, using the force to jerk Jarelea from where she stood.

Kulan smirked as he brought his blade up, using a force choke to hold Jarela in place. "This is what lies at the end." He let Jarelea go from the hold, yet in a single and swift movement he spun around. His blade piercing her sternum as it cut through her, a single elegant thrust into the padawan. Kulan kept his eyes on hers, watching as her life began to fade as he pulled the blade from its resting place between her breast. "Compassion, Pity, Sympathy. They can lead to Hope, yet at the same time they can destroy as well. This is the power of emotions. Do not think that Jedi before you have not tried to sway me. I have seen the Light Side, seen the barriers they erect to keep you in line. Seen the false hope they bring upon the people. I chose my path because it is where my hope lead me."

His eyes turned back to Diathim and the Givin that had found his way to the spaceport. Kulan stepped forward as he began to head towards his ship that was docked in the spaceport. "We are done here, see that your compassion and sympathy have lead to the death of a padawan." Kulan kept his lightsaber active incase the Jedi had the notion to attack. He knew she would though, it would only be natural. Seeing ones student fall was bound to lead the master to the Dark Side, even for a brief moment. It would be in that brief moment though that Diathim would be given a glance of what Kulan spoke of. Of how his hope lead him to the Dark Side, of how the events that unfolded before him in life lead to this moment in time.

Smooth-eyeDate: Saturday, 19-Feb-2011, 8:19 PM | Message # 23
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Qui'll felt the Darkside rage in the Dark Jedi. He didn't need the Force to tell something bad was about to happen. The landing are was beginning to shake violently. He could here the building's walls crack and moan from the enormous strain pushing against them. Then the walls came tumbling down. The old jedi summoned his command of the Force and brought a shimmering blue globe of energy around him, blocking the falling debris safelty away, then in that instant, he saw Kulan leap for the young padawan. Qui'll dropped his force bubble, and used his telekinesis power to slam a large piece of wall at the enraged dark jedi, but Kulan was too fast, and the piece of hurling debris smashed against the ground. All he could do was watch in horror, the brutal murder of the young padawan. An instant later a piece of plexisteel tumbled down from the ceiling towards the elder statesman. He once again called upon the force to stop the rafter from crushing him. While manuvering the piece of twisted steel safely down, he saw that Kulan had already made it back to his vessel.

[tag john/zarcaine

"No, no officer...Trust me, why would I smuggle something illegal into your fine juristiction. Can't we come to some agreement?"

Message edited by Smooth-eye - Saturday, 19-Feb-2011, 8:20 PM
John04Date: Saturday, 19-Feb-2011, 9:02 PM | Message # 24
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Diathim watched in horror as her apprentice was cut down. She couldn't believe what she had seen. All that they had done was try and show this Dark Jedi that he didn't have to live in darkness, he didn't have to hurt anymore. But all he was able to do in response is kill a young woman with a bright future ahead of her. Despite all of her Jedi training, Diathim felt a dark hole form within her. This darkness toar at her soul and began to fill her with rage and hate. Power began to flow into her body as she began to feel the tendrils of the dark side seep into her body. The natural light she produced began to grow in intensity, and began to shift towards the red end of the visible spectrum until her body was a colored symphony of red, gold, and white. He wanted her to feel darkness, then she'll show him darkness...

Diathim opened her mouth and let loose a massive scream that shook the area. The scream, despite the agony behind it, still came out like a melody. Her wings spread and she took to the sky. Once she was ten feet up, she dived in and unleashed a massive torrent of green lightning, augmented with blue lightning, at the dark jedi. She immediately followed through with a series of rapid strikes with her lightsaber. The white blade turned into a blur of light as she struck with all the speed and strength she could muster. Diathim dove in, then out, then in again, and then out again. She was relentless in her fury. Here she had the advantage, for she was a flier by nature, and she had the high ground. Everytime she came in for a strike, she prepared herself to defend against any attack, and often augmented her lightsaber strikes with electric judgment and force waves. She had been plunged into the darkness, and she was going to make him pay for Jaralea's deaht in his own blood...

- tag Zarcaine, Smooth-eye -

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power...
Smooth-eyeDate: Sunday, 20-Feb-2011, 0:18 AM | Message # 25
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Qui'll was amazed at how fast Diathim unleashed her fury onto Kulan. He also felt the Darkdie of the Force start to fester deep inside the jedi master. The Givin had seen this before in other jedi. It is always difficult to hold off the darkside, when faced with great tragedy. The old Consular was amazed at how fast both combatants were thrusting and parrying. It was almost like a spectacle of lights and dance, perfectly coreographed. Qui'll reached out with the force to speak to Diathim's mind. 'Young MAster, hold on to the Lightside of the Force. Remember your earliest training. In darkness, the Jedi uses the Force to light the way, not to feed darkness with more darkness. Control, you must regain control, or your padawan's death, and all she believed will be in vain!'

[tag john,zarcaine

"No, no officer...Trust me, why would I smuggle something illegal into your fine juristiction. Can't we come to some agreement?"

Message edited by Smooth-eye - Sunday, 20-Feb-2011, 0:20 AM
LordZarcaineDate: Sunday, 20-Feb-2011, 3:14 AM | Message # 26
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Kulan laughed deeply as he was thrown from the swirling cloud of dust and debris kicked up by the Jedi. His back slamming into the plastcrete wall of the space port and leaving an indent as he stood up. "Now you see the true power of emotions. You were not the first nor would you be the last Jedi to try and sway me back to the light. I have seen both sides. The Dark Side reached out to me and I grabbed it. Now it holds you in its embrace. The difference between you and I is that I have control." His lightsaber had already been deactivated, hidden away with in his cloaks. His hands coming up as he formed a protective bubble around him, watching the Jedi slamming against it with each attack. He began to feed off of her anger as he pulled it into the Dark Side. His hands coming up once more as he unleashed a fury of Force Lighting from his outspread finger tips.

He watched as the blue of his lightning met with the green and blue of hers. His hands still held up as he kept hers at bay. "Take hold of the Dark Side that now grips you. Do not let it take control or else you'll fall too far." He laughed yet again, finding the humor behind instructing a Jedi on how to use the Dark Side. It had the effect he wanted, she was blind with rage. Attacking over and over again just as he knew she would do. He laughed as he knew the Givin was trying to speak with her, trying to calm her. "It will not work old one. She is too far gone to the Dark Side now. You see how easy it is to fall to it. You Jedi who hold yourself above it. It is because of the Dark side that the Jedi exist. If there was no Dark Side, there would be no Jedi."

John04Date: Monday, 21-Feb-2011, 9:57 AM | Message # 27
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Diathim heard the words of the Senator and felt Kulan begin feeding off her own darkness. These revelations began to bring her back to her senses. She eased off the attack and settled to drive him away now. Diathim gathered her strength and unleashed it in the combined form of Force Wave and Electric Judgment. The blast energized several electrical systems aboard nearby ships and shattered any and all windows that already hadn't. Any beings passing by were knocked off their feet and sent flying.

Diathim spread her wings and flew into the air and hovered. Her skin still glowed with crimson light, but it was controlled now. She was in control once again. Rage still boiled within her, but it no longer consumed her. She pointed her lightsaber at Kulan and said, "Leave now. Leave before I show you how dangerous I truly can become."

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Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power...
Smooth-eyeDate: Monday, 21-Feb-2011, 8:52 PM | Message # 28
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Qui'll could sense that he got through to the young Jedi Master. As Diathim sent out a lash of Force Wave, and Electric judgement towards Kulan, the old Consular held his ground as he called upon the power of the Force and redirected the remnants of the force wave and electrical judgement towards the Dark Jedi's vessel. The damage was minimal, he was sure, but it may be enough to slow his sure to be hasty exit.

He felt Diathim regain more control over her anger, and heard he speak to Kulan, ordering him to leave. As a way to expadite the Dark Jedi's retreat, He centred a bubble that would encompass Kulan and his ship, and Qui'll, but leaving Diathim in the clear. Within that bubble used his vast knowledge of higher mathematical equations, and physics, and revesed removed all air molecules, and forced the tempeture to sub-zero levels, andi ncreased the pressure to match that of deep space. A perfect spacial vaccum condensed within the protective bubble. The givin spoke to Kulan. "Dark one, it is time to for you to leave, while you still can."

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"No, no officer...Trust me, why would I smuggle something illegal into your fine juristiction. Can't we come to some agreement?"

Message edited by Smooth-eye - Monday, 21-Feb-2011, 8:52 PM
LordZarcaineDate: Tuesday, 22-Feb-2011, 4:49 AM | Message # 29
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Kulan smirked as he brought his hand up, the area around him beginning to shake. The bubble that had been formed around him shattered as he turned towards his ship. "I may be finished here, yet there are other worlds waiting for me." He laughed before he reached into his coat and threw a vial to the Jedi. "That may help the other worlds. It may not. Then again that vaccine and cure is supposed to only come from a corporation that wanted me to make this virus. They wanted to sweep in with the cure and make millions." He laughed again before walking up the ramp and into his ship.

His foot steps heavy as they pressed against the ground. The humming of the engines beginning to eminate through the space port. The ship jerked up for a moment before it began to hover in place. The ship slowly sliding through the air as it headed for space. Kulan sat in the chair before he set a course for the next planet. As he leaned back he crossed his arms over his chest before closing his eyes. Kulan began to meditate as the ship slowly pulled forward and jumped into hyperspace.

John04Date: Tuesday, 22-Feb-2011, 9:25 PM | Message # 30
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Diathim caught the vial and examined it while Kulan fled. She had no intention to pursue him right now. Not in her condition. The dark side still clung to her, and she needed to purge it from herself before they met again. She turned to the Givin who had been standing there watching the entire debacle and walked to him. As she approached, she used the Force to recall her robes and swaddled herself in them again, partially subduing her natural glow. Once Diathim was near him, she said, "I am so sorry you saw that horrific spectacle. I am, for now, Jedi Master Diathim. May I ask your name?" She extended her hand to shake his.

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Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power...
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